Friday, March 4, 2016

New Book

Check out this heroic tale of rescue and friendship:

Buny-bun and kut-kity
by Madeleine Rowe

 "One's ther was a kity her name was kute-kity."
She is pretty kute.  Not only is she pink, but she can stand upright on her hind legs.  That is one special kity.

"Until one-day....................she soea a litle buny she neadid help."
Yipes!  That buny is in one heck of a precarious situation!  What strong front paws she must have to be able to hang on to the cliff side for dear life!

"helow my name is kut-kity wuht's your's?'  askte kute kity.  'buny-bun' aswerde kute buny-bun.  'oh ok i'le get you off of this clife' sead kut kity.  'i'le dige' sead buny-bun."

WHEW.  Kut-kity to the rescue!  I thought things were going to turn out pretty badly for Buny-bun there until kute-kity came along.

Also, readers, be sure to internalize the moral of this story: DO NOT attempt to rescue a creature on the verge of death UNTIL you have introduced yourself and asked his or her name.  That's the only way to know it's safe to proceed with your rescue.


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