Sunday, March 20, 2016

Arechin the Seal

Madeleine recently started writing a new book, but after some hard work on the cover, she decided to ditch the effort.

Arechin the Seal (pronounced "Are-Chin", kind of like "Urchin" with an "A.")
by Madeleine Rowe

MADELEINE: So Mama.  Should I make it just a picture, or a book?
ME: It's up to you.
MADELEINE: I think I'll make it just a picture.  Because if I make it a book, I'll have to draw Arechin on every page.  And...Arechin has a LOT of yellow spots.  It takes forever to draw him, and that would get really BORING. took so long to draw him on the cover.  And I was lucky that I made it through.  It would take a MILLION YEARS to draw every page.  And humans don't live that long.

That's a well thought-out argument, Madeleine.  She really made her case for not creating a book after all.  I mean, as she says, she's lucky that she made it through.  She doesn't want to spend the rest of her human life working on a book that could never even be finished in her own lifetime.  So Arechin the seal will remain a simple picture, rather than be a book cover, and Madeleine is a-okay with that.

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