Thursday, March 24, 2016

Madeleine's Poop Poem

Apparently, sitting on the toilet awoke Madeleine's inner poet.

MADELEINE: (emerging fresh from doing a poop on the potty) Want me to tell you a poem?
ME: Did you brush your teeth?
MADELEINE: No, but I'll tell you the poem first.  My father said, "There is a cat.  My mother said there is a bat."
ME: And my sister said, "There is rat."
MADELEINE: Oh, yeah!
ME: (on a roll) But I said, "No, it's just a hat."
MADELEINE: No.  My brother said, "It's just a hat."
ME: And I said, "What do you think about that?"
MADELEINE: No.  Wait.  And I said, "It's just a lat."  What's a lat?
ME: It's nothing.  "Lat" is not a real word.
MADELEINE: Oh.  Then...a "lat" is just an animal that just STANDS there.

Yeah.  Of course.  Why use one of the multitude of regular words that rhyme with "cat" when you can just make up a word?

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