Sunday, August 9, 2015

Bedtime Babble

Madeleine could not keep quiet during her bedtime snuggles this evening.

MADELEINE: Mama?  At the Bubble Show, was my name "Pepperoni?"
ME: I thought the Bubble Lady called you "Macaroni."
MADELEINE: I thought it was "pepperoni." *might* have been "macaroni," because that does begin with "M."
ME: Yeah, I think she always picked a silly name that began with the same letter as your real name.
MADELEINE: (thoughtful) Mama?  Is there any food that begins with "D?"
ME: Uh...hmmm...that's a tough one.  Well, "duck" is a food, because some people eat duck meat.
MADELEINE: Mama?  I really like PIG flesh.
ME: I don't.
ME: No, I don't really like pork.
MADELEINE: Come ON, Mama.  You can't tell me you don't love pig flesh.  But let me get this straight: I do NOT like killing animals, because any time an animal is hurt or killed, I feel so sad, because animals are SUPER cute, and it makes me really sad if they get hurt.
ME: Yeah, me too.
MADELEINE: Yeah, because, like, first of all: Auntie Shannon showed us pictures of an animal that got killed.
ME: Oh, was it the lion?
MADELEINE: Yes.  And wasn't that just really DOPEY of that person to kill a lion??
ME: Yes.  I don't really understand why he did it.
MADELEINE: And Mama.  Let me tell you something: I would NOT EVER go to an African Savannah.  Because.  Of lions.  A lion will eat ANY KIND of flesh that it sees.  So.  Like.  Basically that's EVERYTHING.

She is sooo not sleepy at all.  I decided to halt the snuggles and let her lay in bed thinking her wild and crazy thoughts until she falls asleep on her own.  Sweet dreams of lions and pig flesh and macaroni, my darling one!

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