Saturday, September 29, 2012

Birthday Party Fun

Today was an exciting one in the Rowe household - the day of Madeleine's 3rd birthday party!  Things were off to a rocky start this morning, as Madeleine didn't like her party dress because, in her words, "there's nothing that's dots or CIRCLES on it."  Fortunately,  she quickly warmed to her outfit, especially once she picked out accompanying tights that DID have something that's dots or circles on them:

Next up was the conundrum of the party location.  I have no idea how Madeleine got it in her head that we had the option of throwing her party at someone else's house, let alone the house of one of my piano students, but somewhere along the way she decided we were having this party at my student Arianna's house.  She had mentioned this idea earlier in the week in a passing comment; something along the lines of: "Uh, Mommy, I picked ARIANNA'S HOUSE for my birthday party."  However, I never encouraged the idea and had no idea she actually thought this was a serious option.

Today, as she sat on the toilet trying unsuccessfully to get her pee out, Madeleine optimistically commented to me, "Well, maybe Arianna has a toilet at HER house.  Maybe I can just try pee-pees at Arianna's house when we get there."  It was then that I realized this hare-brained idea was actually implanted in her head.  After I gently explained to her that the party was to be held at our house, she burst into tears of deep injustice.  "Mommy, I want to have my party at ARIAAAAANAAAA'S HOUSE!" she wailed.

Once we got past THAT hurdle, and I was able to convince her that her friends wouldn't know how to find Arianna's house so we better have the party here, she was once again excited, especially once I began baking her cupcakes.  Typical to Madeleine's character, she had specific details on exactly what she wanted for her cupcakes: "Chocolate ones, but not TOO chocolatey, with PINK FROSTING, THINGS on them." 

What do you think?  Did I fulfil her requirements:

Later in the morning, Madeleine decided that she needed to add to her dress and tights, declaring she needed a crown.  Well, I just happen to be a former preschool teacher, so if there's anything I know how to do on the spot, it's making a construction paper crown.  It wasn't long before Madeleine had her very own pink "Happy Birthday" crown:

Unfortunately, the crown alone just didn't cut it.  "Uh, Mommy, now I need a wand and a dress," she informed me. 

I reminded her that she was already wearing a dress (albeit one with nothing on it that's dots or circles), and that if she wanted a wand she was welcome to get one out of the dress-up bin, which thankfully seemed to satisfy her.

 The hardest part of the day was waiting for the party to finally begin.  A 4pm start makes for a loooong earlier part of the day, though Madeleine had an ingenious solution to the whole problem.  "Uh, Mommy, I pointed my clock to FOUR!" she announced to me at 2:38.  Apparently, in Madeleine's world, pushing the minute hand on her kitchen set clock to four is the equivalent of owning the superpower of time travel.  Behold, the kitchen set clock has been changed, and therefore it is now PARTAY TIME! (never mind that she actually set it to 1:20):

Once the guests were finally here and the fun could begin, the kids had a blast. 

After such a fun afternoon and evening of birthday celebrations, it was a bit tough to get the kids to wind down and fall asleep.  While Madeleine is usually half-conked by the time I've finished her lullaby, tonight she was wide awake and listening with a critical ear to my rendition of "Frere Jacques," taking particular issue with my guttural r's. 

MADELEINE: Mommy?  But why were you singing the...the...the...the...the...
ME: The r's like this: (singing) Frere Jacques, Dormez-vous?
MADELEINE: Mommy, I want you to sing the REAL words, like this: here, I'll show you!  (Singing) Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques, dormez-vous, dormez-vous, summylemmatina, summylemmatina, ding dang dong, ding dang dong.  Oh!  I better do it again!  Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques, dormez-vous, dormez-vous, summylemmatina, summylemmatina, ding dang dong, ding dang dong.
ME: Great job!  That was beautiful!
MADELEINE: But...Mommy...why were you singing it the INTERESTED way?
ME: I was singing it the way you would pronounce the words in French.  That's because I know how to speak French.  Do you want to hear me?
MADELEINE: Um...NO!  Mommy, I want you to sing Frere Jacques the NEW, HAPPY way!  Not the SAD WAY! 
ME: What's the new happy way?
MADELEINE: Like this!  (Singing) Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques, dormez-vous, dormez-vous, summylemmatina, summylemmatina, ding dang dong, ding dang dong.

Well, that clears it all up.  Now I know exactly what I was doing wrong.
And on that (literal) note, I bid you readers adieu.  Ding dang dong!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha I yie yie that kid. I'm glad the party went well and that you learned the happy way to sing frere jacques!

    Julia looks like you in that first group shot!
