Here are their yummy party treats:

Julia informed me that the Angel was turning four. Then she later informed me that actually, the Angel had turned eleven. And the birthday isn't all; Angel has another exciting bit of news to share, revealed to me by this conversation:
JULIA: (waving two manger people around in the air) Mom, which one looks like it's flying?
ME: Uh, the angel.
JULIA: (putting the Angel down and waving the other figure around)
ME: Oh, he's flying too? Is that a Wise Man?
JULIA: Wise Men. Because she's a girl.
ME: Oh, it's a wise woman?
JULIA: Yeah, she's a girl, and she's having a baby. The Angel and the Wise Men are having a baby and they're gonna have a family. They said it's a baby girl.
Apparently, the child of Gabriel and Balthazar (or one of the other Wise Men, whose names escape me... Caspar and Melchior maybe?) turns out to be twins, named Kiki and Caroline. But they're still in the Wise Men's tummy. I will send out the birth announcement if or when it comes...
Phew, that explains alot! Thanks Julia. Love you Yiayia