Friday, September 10, 2010

Julia's future plans

As I was doing my daily stretching routine, Julia sat down and joined me. I told her how impressed I was to see her executing the stretches, to which she responded excitedly, "When I grow up and I'M a runner, I'm gonna do these stretches EVERY DAY!" That comment prompted the following conversation:

ME: Oh, I hope you'll be a runner when you get older! Then we can run together!
JULIA: (throwing her arms around me) I promise, Mommy! And will you come visit me? Please, please?
ME: Of course I will! When you're a grown-up, I'll come visit you any time you want! Will you come visit me?
JULIA: I will! Um, Mama, um, I think I'm going to live... I think I'll get a house right next to Blue.
ME: Oh, I see, so you'll still live in Needham when you're a grown-up?
JULIA: Yeah, because I decided, I still want to go eat at Blue when I'm a grown-up, so I decided I'll just still live in Needham, but I'll just live in a different HOUSE.
ME: That sounds good. Who are you going to live with?
JULIA: Um... I think... another mommy... um, I think I'll live with someone who KNOWS me.
ME: Will you have children?
JULIA: If I have a baby in my tummy!
ME: Do you think the baby in your tummy will be a boy or a girl?
JULIA: Um, I think I'll have... TWO GIRLS!
ME: Oh, just like me! What will you name them?
JULIA: I'll name one Maria... actually, I think I'll name one Julia, and one Madeleine.
ME: Oh, so you'll be just like me. Who will you be married to?
JULIA: Um, I think... a husband.
ME: What will his name be?
JULIA: I don't know.
ME: Do you think you'll marry Wyatt?
JULIA: (huge smile on her face) Um, no, not really, because Wyatt is just, like, a kid.
ME: Yeah, but when you're grown up, Wyatt will be grown up too.
JULIA: Oh, yeah! Then, I think I'll marry Wyatt EVERY DAY!


  1. I don't know. She and Nate were fighting all through their play-date yesterday. They both wanted "Nothing!" for lunch and Julia wanted to run away FOREVER and Nate never, ever wants to come over to this house ever again. So I think the engagement is off.
