Monday, May 31, 2010

Last night's bedtime conversation

ME: Good-night, Julia, I love you.
JULIA: Mommy? Why do some people not want songs at night?
ME: What do you mean?
JULIA: Why do some people not want a song?
ME: Well, not everybody gets a song at night. I don't get to have a song before I go to bed.
JULIA: Why not?
ME: Because, I don't have someone sing to me before bed.
JULIA: No, but, why do some people with big feet not want a song before bed?
ME: People with big feet? Who has big feet?
JULIA: No, I mean, people with big feet who are big kids and not little babies.
ME: Why, what kids do you know that don't want songs before bed?
JULIA: Well, why do some kids not get songs?
ME: I don't know, Julia. I don't know whether other kids we know get a song or not before bed because I don't live in their house.
JULIA: Why not?
ME: Well, whose Mommy am I?
JULIA: Mine.
ME: Right. So I'm not other kids' mommy, so I don't know what happens at their house before bed. Good-night, honey, I love you.
JULIA: But Mommy, CAN I have a song?
ME: You WANT a song? I thought you were trying to tell me you don't want a song.
JULIA: No, I DO want a song.

Oh, okay. She was so clear about her intentions, I can't imagine why I didn't understand what she was asking for from the get-go...

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