Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Back into the swing of things

We are slowly adjusting back to reality now that we're home. Surprisingly, the one hour time difference has left us all really jet-lagged; it was tough getting up this morning, and we actually had to wake Julia so that she could get to school on time. Despite her sleepiness, she was thrilled about going back to school, and even asked to stay for Lunch Bunch today. When I picked her up, I found out from her teachers that she had told them lots of details of our trip - specifically, that she wore a polka dot dress to the wedding and danced with the bride, and that Mommy's dress had sparkles on it. While I was there getting her stuff together, she decided to share more details about the trip, ones that really highlighted the best moments of our vacation: "When I was swimming with Daddy I put part of my face under the water and I choked." (referring to Ethan losing his footing and accidentally causing Julia's open-mouthed face to dunk under the water.) And: "I have bumps on my arms now." (Referring to her molluscum contagiosum, a viral skin infection that spread from her belly onto her arms this past week.) Both anecdotes well worth sharing.

On our car ride home, we had this conversation:

JULIA: Mommy, when we get home, after you eat your lunch, can I watch a show?
ME: Um, yeah, I think that would be alright.
JULIA: I want the outside one.
ME: Silence.
JULIA: Mama?
ME: Sorry, I'm trying to think of what you mean by the outside one.
JULIA: I mean the outside one of the show. The one that Daddy put on for me.
ME: Um... do you mean, was it a Dora, or...
JULIA: The Max and Ruby outside one.
ME: Okay. The outside one. I'll have to look On Demand and see what Max and Ruby episodes they have.
JULIA: Well, it's an outside one, and they paint in it.
ME: Is it Max and Ruby: Art?
JULIA: No, it wasn't that one.
ME: Was it a new one for you? Had you ever seen it before?
JULIA: (Thoughtful) Ahh...mmm... I think, like, ahh...mmm... I think it was the one I watched two days ago, when I was two.

I checked when we got home; Max and Ruby: Grandma. She was partially right. She did not watch it two days ago. But she did watch it last spring/summer, so she was two when she first saw it. And since yesterday means any time in the recent past, it makes sense that two days ago might signify about a year ago, at least in the Julia sense of time...

1 comment:

  1. Too bad she said "two days ago" instead of her usual "yesterday", because "yesterday" would have been correct for once. I put that on for her the afternoon we were back, while you were out running.

    C'mon! You don't hear "the outside one" and think "Max and Ruby: Grandma?"
