Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Gift for Me

This afternoon, I spotted Madeleine hard at work on something at the dining room table.

ME: Are you doing your writing homework, Madeleine?
MADELEINE: Um, not yet; I'll do it after this, but DON'T LOOK.
ME: Okay.
MADELEINE: (dramatically shielding her paper from me) DON'T LOOK, Mommy.
ME: I won't.

A moment later, I too sat down at the dining room table to do something on my computer.

ME: Okay, I'm not.

A few minutes later, while I was in the bathroom, Madeleine started shouting questions at me.

MADELEINE: Mommy?  What color hair, if you could have ANY COLOR IN THE WORLD, would you want?
ME: Um...
ME: Blue.
MADELEINE: You can't pick blue.
ME: Oh.  Like, strawberry blonde.


MADELEINE: Mommy?  What color nail polish would be your favorite AND YOU CAN'T CHOOSE BLUE.
ME: Okay...well, if I can't choose blue, then...purple.
MADELEINE: I don't have purple.
ME: Oh.  Then...I


MADELEINE: Mommy?  Would you rather have blue skin or green skin?
ME: Blue skin.
MADELEINE: Would you rather be KIND or be an outcast?
ME: I'd rather be kind.
MADELEINE: Would you rather be an OUTCAST with blue skin, or KIND with green skin?
ME: Kind with green skin.
MADELEINE: Yes!  I got you to pick GREEN!

I guess that green versus blue skin part was a red herring, or else was just simply a topic of Madeleine's curiosity, because a few minutes later I was presented with this delightful piece of art:

                                                       Courtney the Magical Elephant!!

I got my blue skin after all!  And I have to say, throughout all of Madeleine's questions and her commands not to look, I would NEVER have guessed I would get a picture of myself as a winged, unicorn-horned blue elephant with pink toenails.  Madeleine managed to pull off quite the surprise!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you're a slammin blue unicorn elephant. Oops, a magical one to boot. Good job Madeleine!
