Sunday, May 12, 2019

Today's The Day

Well, I didn't get my clay elephant for Mother's Day, but Madeleine was SUPER EXCITED to greet me this morning nonetheless.

ME: (sitting on the toilet upon first waking up)
MADELEINE: Happy Mother's Day!  So Mommy.  I was GOING to make you an elephant figurine, but I ran out of time, so I made you something ELSE instead.
ME: Okay.
MADELEINE: (running off and returning with a card) And Mommy, we made you something at SCHOOL, but it's just a SCHOOL thing, so that's why I wanted to make you something else.
ME: Okay.  Let me finish going pee.

I moved from the toilet to the sink and began brushing my teeth.

MADELEINE: So here's your card-
ME: Mmmhmmmppphh.
MADELEINE: We made them-
ME: Hang on, honey.  Lemme finish brushing my teeth.

Once I was done in the bathroom, I went to the couch to receive the school-made card and a home-made flower in a plastic cup.  And that's not ALL Madeleine did for me!  She decided to leave me little presents around the house, like a yellow plastic Easter egg with "Crack Me!" taped to the front and a scrap of paper saying "Happy Mother's Day!" inside.  I also got a note paper with music notes on it saying "Feeling sad?  Well, you should be glad."  Let me tell you: this kid spoiled me.

Julia really went above and beyond by making me a slide show about all the things she appreciates about me.  It was truly touching, although I wasn't able to thoroughly read each slide until I looked at them as individual still shots, since Julia had the pacing set so fast on her presentation.  But even without reading through each slide I was overwhelmed with gratitude, and it was even better when I got to really sit down and get every detail!

Here's a snapshot of the various homemade gifts I received:

                                                                       My faux flower

                                                                              My card

                                                       Some of my hidden surprise gifts

                                             The start of my lovely slideshow from Julia

I'm one lucky mommy!  Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

1 comment:

  1. You sure are a lucky Mommy! You are loved very, very much, even by this Mommy! XO
