Thursday, May 9, 2019

Mother's Day

For those of you who did not see this on Facebook, Madeleine suddenly seemed to remember that Mother's Day is right around the corner.  Here's the long version of our conversation:

MADELEINE: (out of the blue) What do you want for Mother's Day?
ME: Umm...hmmm...well, did you already make me something?

MADELEINE: Yeah, but it was something we did at school.
ME: You don't have to make anything else, honey.
MADELEINE: Well, I just FORGOT to look at the calendar to see when Mother's and Father's Day are, and so all of a sudden I was like, (gasping) "It's Mother's Day this weekend!"
ME: You don't have to worry about giving me something else.
MADELEINE: Well, what's something that you WANT?
ME: Hmmm...let me think...
MADELEINE: I mean, like, NOT something you buy.
ME: Oh. Uh. How about you just write me a note saying all the things you love about me?
MADELEINE: No, I mean something BIGGER than that. Something like an ELEPHANT. That's made out of CLAY.

ME: Oh, boy.
MADELEINE: (thoughtful for a moment) I've GOT it! (skittering off out of the room.)

I'm kind of a little bit scared to see what concoction she produces for me.

Speaking of Madeleine's productions, I found this drawing she'd made in her backpack today.  I sure wish I knew the back story to this one:


1 comment:

  1. Her artistic talent is wonderful! I hope she continues to to perfect it. Forget those gymnastics, Madeleine, go for the pencil.
