Wednesday, May 22, 2019

6th Grade Concert

Last night was the 6th grade band and chorus concert for Julia.  In 6th grade, students must choose either chorus or band for a music elective.  Because Julia loves to sing as well as play the flute, she chose band for school, and sings with the audition-based Select Choir after school.  The Select Choir is made up of grades 6-8 and is an extracurricular activity; the spring concert is next week.

When I arrived at the concert, I saw the band onstage warming up and chatting.  I walked up near the stage to get a picture of Julia.  The moment she saw me, her face turned to a grumpy tweenagery scowl.

JULIA: (seeing me trying to take a picture) No.  No,
ME: I just want one picture!
ME: Just smile quickly.

She finally gave me an embarrassed half-smile, proving once again that she has the COOLEST MOM EVER.

Yeah.  That's right.  How many other moms are walking up to the stage taking pictures?  None.  I AM THE COOLEST AND NOT EMBARRASSING AT ALL.

After the band had finished warming up, the 6th grade chorus walked onto the risers to begin the concert.  The band filed off to sit in the side auditorium chairs and listen to the singers.

At this point, Madeleine, who goes with me twice a week to pick up Julia after school from her extracurricular Select Choir, suddenly seemed to forget that Select Choir is not part of 6th grade curriculum.

MADELEINE: (with a wounded expression) They KICKED Julia out.
ME: (whispering) What??
MADELEINE: They kicked Julia out of chorus, because she's too BAD of a singer.
ME: Julia is in band.  She's not in chorus.
MADELEINE: (looking at me in utter disbelief and consternation)
ME: Remember how we've been to her other band concerts?  She's in band.  Not chorus.  Select Choir is not chorus.
MADELEINE: (brightening) Ohhhh!

Never mind that we previously attended the winter 6th grade band and chorus concert,so Madeleine has seen that Julia is not in the 6th grade chorus.  In her opinion, the 6th grade music program is so cutthroat that they just KICK YOU OUT if you're not up to snuff.

After the concert, Julia was bright and cheery upon seeing me, and declared happily, "Okay, you can take my picture now if you want!"

TOO LATE, JULIA.  You blew it with your grumpy reaction to my photo attempts earlier. 

Just kidding.  I totally took more pictures.

Next week, when we go to see the concert of extracurricular ensembles (Select Choir and Select Band), will Madeleine freak out thinking Julia got kicked out of Select Band for being too bad of a flautist?  We shall see!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Madeleine worries for her sister! That's so sweet. XO
