Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Two Dreams

Madeleine, upon emerging from her bedroom this morning:

"I had two dreams.  One was kind of scary, and the other one was just disappointing.

So, we were on this walk, and there was this place that everyone thought was a haunted house.  This doggie pulled us through a tube, into the place, and there was this guy and he was the Addams Family dad, and everyone thought that he was evil, but he wasn't.  The only thing that scared me, though, was that he had pet cobras.  He wasn't evil, but the dog was evil, so I was UNSURE about him, because every time we went back, the dog would grab me.  And I left my coat there, and I didn't know if I should go back, but then I was like, well, I really love that coat, so I went back.  And the guy was showing us around, and then I got scared, because he was like, if you didn't like the cobras, they would try and eat you, but they didn't.  They were nice.  They didn't even go near me.  Which I was very GLAD about.  Then they showed us this thing that said, do you wanna stay, or do you wanna go, so we all just left.

Well, actually, I had THREE dreams, but one of them was kinda BORING, so I don't really feel like telling that one.  So I'll just tell you the second dream.

So, I was just here, and then Shannon brought over this package, because for my birthday, I had gotten this mermaid doll, but she had legs, she didn't have a tail.  It was actually a mermaid doll SET, so I got so excited.  It had, like, different stands, it had an actual tail, it had a place for the tails to sit, and I was just so excited.  And then: this is the SUPER weird and crazy part.  So, I went on this adventure with a little girl, and she got excited about it too, so I was gonna let her play with it too, but I woke up in the dream, but I WASN'T really awake in real life, so I was like, 'it's a dream, it's a dream,' but when I woke up in the dream, the mermaid set wasn't there.  And then I woke up for real."

Okay, well, way to start the day with a burst of imaginative creativity!  And it's only 7am!

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