Saturday, January 21, 2017


The girls have been busy with home improvement projects today.

JULIA: Mommy?  Will you come into my room and see my new floor?
ME: Uh...what do you mean, your new floor?
JULIA: I laid out all my "Who Was" books on the ground and that's my new floor!
ME:  (with dismay) Are they gonna stay out on your floor like that?
JULIA: Ummmm...not forever...

Julia's new floor:

It's like decorative tiles, each with a caricature head of a famous person.  Except that, unlike tile, these books slip around when you step on them, making their ability to act as a floor less practical, and more unpredictable, than real floor tiles.

Meanwhile, as Julia made a new floor, Madeleine was outside building a clubhouse out of sticks.  Take a look at the progress she has made:

Looking fancy, no?  I overheard the girls discussing Madeleine's handiwork.

MADELEINE: Julia!  I'm making a secret garden and PARLOR.
JULIA: Do you even know what a parlor is?
MADELEINE: Not really.  A garage?
JULIA: No!  A parlor is where you sit with the ladies and sip your tea!
MADELEINE:  Oh!  Then people can sit in the garden and sit their tea.

No two things go together more than a lean-to made of sticks and a ladies' parlor, am I right?

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