Friday, November 13, 2015

Julia's Potty Poem

Although Julia does all of her imagining about the Mintz while galloping, she apparently does all of her deep thinking while on the toilet.

She emerged from the bathroom this evening to recite a poem she had freshly composed:

"The white sheep walk across the meadow
Making a snowy blanket all across the tall grasses
And everyone nearby, raising their glasses,
Know they have seen the symbol of the sheep, white as snow."

ME: I *love* it!  That's BEAUTIFUL!
JULIA: I made a lesson out of this.  Rich, fancy people do this too.  Not to just think of yourself, think of OTHERS, too.
ME: What do rich, fancy people have to do with it?
JULIA: Because rich, fancy people are always RAISING their glasses.

So there's a lesson to you all: when about to raise a glass to your present company, think ALSO of the sheep, and of others, and not only of yourselves.

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