Thursday, July 2, 2015

Summer School and Scratch Art

Now that school is over, Julia has been busy playing teacher to her American Girl dolls.  She even gives them tests and homework.  Here is her doll Emily's latest spelling test:

100%!  Go Emily!
Personally, I find it a bit unbeilievable that Emily got a 100 when she spelled unbelievable incorrectly.

Madeleine has kept her own self busy with her new scratch art kit.  Today she showed me the unicorn she'd been working on and then we had an absolutely baffling conversation:

MADELEINE: Mama?  This unicorn looks like my DREAMS.  Because, Mama?  So, I had this dream, that's not really like a nightmare, but I don't LIKE it, and in my dream,  everything is going REALLY REALLY slow, and then...all of a sudden, everything starts going reallyreallyfast.
ME: Yeah?
MADELEINE: Yeah.  And I don't LIKE that.
ME: You don't?
MADELEINE: No.  I don't like it.
ME: Okay.  What does that have to do with your unicorn though?
MADELEINE: just LOOKS like what my dream was like.

Aha, NOW I get it.  That unicorn TOTALLY looks like things going really, really slowly and then all of a sudden going really, really fast.