Sunday, June 7, 2015

"Mary and Julieta," by Julia Rowe

Julia started writing a new chapter book this week, and so far it's an exciting one!


"For my babysitters"

1. Mary's Discovery
2. On Father's Boat
3. The Confessing
4. Swiming with The Sharks
5. Miss Adeline's Performance
6. On Muddy Lane
7. Wordless Winter
8. Tree of Friendship
9. The Ocean Shore
10. Apple Cores All the Way

So, I always wonder if Julia has clear and carefully planned out plot in mind before she comes up with her chapter titles, or whether she thinks up good names for the chapters and then fills in the content to fit the title.  If it's the former, I really wonder what made her think, in contemplating the finale of her book, that "apple cores all the way" would be important.  I kind of can't wait until she writes chapter ten to find out what the significance of the apple cores all the way is in the grand scheme of things!

 Chapter 1: Mary's Discovery
"Mary Anthony did not like her name.  She thought new people at schcool would think her name was Anthony Mary.  But her best friend, Julieta Adelyn, liked her name.  She knew one day she would be famus.  Mary and Julieta were playing by the shore one day.  'Mary,' Julieta said.  'We will each dig a whole.  We must"

Well, that's a big cliffhanger for page one.  What must they do??
Also, I totally feel Mary Anthony's pain.  I'm always worried that new people will think my name is Rowe Courtney.

(from pg. 1 "We must") "find a treasure.  We are old enough to know we won't find one but let's look anyway.'  'OK,' Mary agreed.  'But one thing.  What do we do if we find gold?  Who would we give it to?  And if we kept it what would we do with it?  Wear will we keep it?  Would we use it or not?  and what if someone steals it?' Mary was surprised.  It was not like her to ask so much questions.  'We dig it out and take it home.  We will give it to no one.  We will keep it and we will take a little when we want to buy something.  We will keep it in the bank, we will use it once in awhile."

Yeah, the bank is notorious for accepting gold to set up a bank account, right?

 'Know one will steal it if it's in the bank, and Mary, that was not one thing.  It was six,' Julieta said.  So they started to dig.  They dug for a long time.  It grew hot.  Suddenly, Mary cried, 'I found something...A MAP!  AND, OH JULIETA IT LEADS TO YOUR HOUSE!  LET'S GO NOW!' Mary yelled, and Julieta and Mary set off together, following the map."

Hmm.  I don't think it would be that exciting to find a map that leads to my own house, unless, of course, I have forgotten how to get back to my house.  But let's see where this whole map thing leads.  Or perhaps we will just segue into a completely unrelated plot point...

Chapter Two: On Father's Boat

"Julieta flounced over to her father.  It was warm and summer.  'Father, could I use your boat? I would take care of it.  Mary'll come with me.'  'I suppose.  Is Mary good with boats like you?' 'Yes.  Her father's life is boats.  So is hers.  That's one of the reasons we're friends!"

Yup.  Completely different plot point.  But hey, that's okay, I'm excited to see where this boat thing leads us!

 "They put the boat in the water.  Then Mary asked, 'How far out shall we go?  And what if the boat sinks?  We both can sail but not very well.'  Julieta shrugged.  'We should be alright.  We will do okay, right?'  The girls set sail and talked and laghed.  Julieta stood on the mast.  The boat was not very big.  Mary oured.  Julieta laghed in excitment.  Julieta and Mary danced around.  Mary got back to the oars."

That's exactly the kind of cavalier attitude two children ought to take when setting out in a boat on their own.  Adds and extra thrill to the whole experience!

"and Julieta got back on the mast.  She stepped down to tell Mary something, but she found herself standing in a pool of water.  And to her dismay, she saw a small whole in the boat.  She ran over to Mary.  'Mary!  The boat is leaking!  There's a whole!  Help!  We must get back to land!'  Mary pattled faster, and Julieta grabbed another and started to help.  Julieta remberd with fear that she said she would take care of it.  But Mary did not know that.  'Oh NO!  Julieta, what do you-"

Oh, yikes, this is a serious page-turner.  What is going to happen with the whole in the boat??
"think caused the whole?' Mary asked.  Julieta was to upset to speak.  She had ruined Father's boat and she would have to tell him all about it.  She started to sob.  Mary gently said, 'We're close to the shore, Julieta.  Don't be sad.'  They were close to the shore.  Mary stepped out of the boat.  Julieta reluctently followed her.  'Don't worry, Julieta,' Mary said soothingly, 'The whole's no bigger"

"then my hand.'  'But I told Father I would take care of his boat and I did'nt!'  So Mary let Julieta away.  'You will tell him about it tomorrow,' she said.  'I only will if you will,' Julieta said stubernly.  So Mary agreed and they both went home.  Julieta tryed to wipe her tear-stained face.  Mary ran across the street to her house, her blond hair flying after her.  Julieta tryed to remember that she'

"was ten, and not to worry about it.  But she could not help it.  She would worry about forever."

Come on, Julieta, you're only ten, and your dad let you and your friend, both of whom can't sail very well, out on his boat alone.  It's not your fault there was a whole in the boat.  Sheesh.  Just stop worrying and deal with it tomorrow.  Don't tell him right now or anything.  

 Chapter Three: The Confessing

"Dressed in her best outfit, Mary ran across the street to Julieta's house.  She knocked politly.  'Is Julieta home?' she asked.

Sadly, this is as far as the author has gotten, so we don't yet know what Father's reaction will be to the whole in his boat.  I have a feeling that there are still more calamities lying ahead for Mary and Julieta, but I'm also pretty sure that as long as they have apple cores all the way, things will all turn out right in the end.


  1. Also, maybe wordless winter is when the dad doesn't talk to his kid all winter for ruining his boat? And then he realizes he can use apple cores to plug the whole!
