Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Tonight, after turning out Madeleine's lights and giving her the customary bedtime snuggle:

ME: Good night, Madeleine.
MADELEINE: Good night, Mama. (flipping over to face me in her bed) Mama?  The REASON why I said "Mama" so WEIRD sounding was because...I was trying to decide whether to say "Mommy" or "Mama."
ME: Oh.  (thinking about the fact that she nearly always calls me "Mama," despite my referring to myself as "Mommy.") What do you like so much about saying "Mama?"
MADELEINE: Because..."Mom" is...basically, like, TOTALLY for older kids to say.  Like, for TEENAGERS.
ME: But I'm just wondering why you like saying "Mama" more than "Mommy."
MADELEINE: (thoughtful) I think...probably because it's just EASIER.  "Mama" is just drop your mouth TWO times.  "Ma."  "Ma."
ME: Oh, okay.  I see.  Well, good night, honey.
MADELEINE: Good night, Mommy.

I guess that time she decided to take the more difficult route and go with "Mommy."

1 comment:

  1. I think with Mommy you only have to drop your mouth two times. Hahaha. Maybe it's the Greek in her where Mama is used when you are young, a teenager, and older. Mama mia, who knows!
