Friday, April 17, 2015

Writing and Illustrations

Julia has a list of "ue" and "ew" spelling words this week, and she came home with her classwork activity using some of the words from her spelling list.  I honestly can't say which of her definitions I like the best. 

Argue: "when your fighting about something because you disagree with someone."
Glue: "something that's white and sticky."  (Oh, boy.)
True: "When you are not lying.  It is the aposite of false."
Mildew: "Something that forms when it is wet."
Congruent: "When two things look exsactly the same."

I do, however, know which illustration is my favorite.  Hands down it's the picture of a worksheet, upon which is written "True or false.  This is a tulip," and the word "true" is circled.  Because, yeah, what else could you possibly do to draw a picture of "true??"  Second place goes to the two frowny-faced girls (who are presumably Julia and Madeleine) to illustrate "argue."

Madeleine did some drawing and writing of her own yesterday, as I had brought paper and markers to entertain her while we hung out at Julia's swim team practice.  Madeleine decided to draw pictures of her favorite play areas, and I encouraged her to practice sounding out the words describing what she drew.

Here we have Madeleine on the monkey bars.  Or I guess I should say on the "mcge bors."  This reminds me of Julia's kindergarten attempt to sound them out as "mukey boars."

Here's a picture of Rosemary "Pol," complete with lifeguard!
MADELEINE: Uh, Mama, I was gonna try and draw THAT lifeguard there (pointing to the guard in the chair at swim team practice), but...then I thought I would make the lifeguard be Harry Potter!

This is a picture of Madeleine playing on the giant ri ra roc at Julia's school.  Clearly, Madeleine ran out of room for her head and had to squeeze a tiny pea-head on the gargantuan body she drew.

And finally, Madeleine on the sweing.  I gave her the spelling for "ing" because she was getting frustrated with her inability to decipher the final letter sounds.  And we all know that Madeleine shows her frustrations by making big X cross marks through things because she JUST.  CAN'T.  HANDLE.  NOT.  DOING.  IT.  PERFECTLY.

True or false: Madeleine is a perfectionist.

The answer is true.  I'm not lying, because saying that she's a perfectionist is the aposite of false.

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