Monday, April 27, 2015

Madeleine's Request

Madeleine is regaining some energy, though still not much of an appetite, in the aftermath of her stomach bug.  Today she managed to eat a few bites of a peanut butter sandwich and a few apple slices, but otherwise declined snack in the afternoon and didn't even manage to finish a glass of water.  For dinner this evening, I tried giving her a little bit of the couscous that accompanied our meal, and while she agreeably ate some spoonfuls, she took a LONG time to swallow each bite and was happy when I told her she didn't need to finish it all.  Then came the most shocking part: she didn't even want dessert.  Last night she also declined dessert, but she hadn't even eaten any dinner; tonight, since she had attempted dinner, I was sure the idea of dessert would tempt her.  Wow.  This kid must REALLY be sick if she willingly OPTS OUT of dessert.

And I must be really desperate for my kid to get a little sugar in her depleted system because I was offering her anything in the world that is edible and in our house.

ME: Madeleine, are you sure you don't want dessert?
MADELEINE: I'm sure.
ME: How about a Peep?  Do you want a marshmallow Peep like Julia just had? (pointing at Julia's package of Peeps on the table.)
MADELEINE: Uh, Mama, those are JULIA'S Peeps.
ME: I know, but would you like one of your own?  I can get you one from your room.
MADELEINE: No thanks.
ME: Are you sure you don't want just one Peep?
MADELEINE: I'm sure.

Eat the candy, Madeleine.  Eat the sugar.  EEEEEAAAAT THE CAAAAAANDYY!

What sort of anti-mom am I here?!?

Then I started offering other things.

ME: Is there anything at all you'd like?  I can get you any food you feel like eating.
MADELEINE: Well, Mama, there is one thing I want.
ME: (eagerly) What is it?
ME: I do?  What is it?  Dessert?
ME: Milk?
MADELEINE: No.  Mama. It's from BEFORE I got sick.
ME: Lemonade?
ME: A donut?
MADELEINE: No.  Mama.  (trying to give me a verbal prompt as a helpful hint) T-t-t-
ME: Uh...(I was literally thinking "tonut?")

Oh.  Toys.  Yeah, sorry, honey, but even being sick doesn't get you sympathy toys.  Food of any sort, SURE.  But toys?  Gotta wait til the next gift-giving holiday.

But at least Madeleine realized my desperation and attempted to manipulate my worried mother-hen state of emotion to try and get some toys out of me.

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