Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Julia has come up with a new, inventive way to play with her Little People.  Yesterday was the grand opening of the brand new Little People school, aka her play kitchen set. 

Project Daddy is the principal:

The oven serves as the main classroom, because the oven is definitely the safest place to put a bunch of kids:

I like how the kids are all lined up neat and orderly-like.  Even Baby Laurie knows how to follow her teacher, Cartacarizza, in a straight line.

According to Julia, the teachers at this school stay at school forever.  They don't take vacations and they don't ever go home on holidays, nights, or weekends.  They even sleep at the school.  Now THAT'S dedication.  Or prison.

I'm guessing this is a parochial school, because the manger people are still hanging out in the freezer:

Speaking of school, I attended Julia's first kindergarten parent-teacher conference this morning.  I was really pleased and proud (though unsurprised) to hear that Julia is, according to the teacher, always a good listener and always following the classroom rules.  I was also unsurprised to hear that Julia is somewhat quiet at school, though I still can't get over the difference between Julia's at-home and outside-of-home persona.  This is the child who took about 45 minutes to finish her dinner last night because she was so busy spewing non-stop verbal diarrhea at her favorite baby-sitter.  However, I was VERY much the same way as a child, so I can completely understand the veil of shyness that takes over in outside settings.

I was not only proud of how well Julia seems to be listening in kindergarten, but I was proud of Madeleine as well, who obediently sat in silence, coloring in her Dora coloring book, throughout the whole entire conference.  Who would have thought?!?  It was not until the conference had concluded that Madeleine piped up at all.  After running over to check out the sand table, she told the teacher, while hopping towards the classroom door with me, "I saw your SUGAR over there!" 

Can you imagine the chaos that would reign if there really was a table full of sugar to play with at school??

As I got Madeleine into her car seat after we left Julia's school, I kissed her cheek and told her how proud I was of her great listening.  She stuck her tongue out goofily and responded with what is probably the least expected thing to hear from a 3-year-old EVER.  "Mommy, can you lick-kiss somebody with your TONGUE?"

Yikes.  Uh.  Wow.  While I know that she will someday realize that you can, in fact, lick-kiss somebody with your tongue, at the moment, the idea of her putting her germy, slobbery tongue anywhere near other kids is unacceptable.  So I simply explained that we don't put our tongues on any part of other people, because we don't want to share our mouth germs.

Back at home, Madeleine got busy "reading" the pages of one of Julia's educational game books.  In the following video, you can hear all about both Cinderella's AND Ariel's School Ackventures:

She doos it GREAT!
You're welcome!

1 comment:

  1. "She doos it and doos it and doos it and doos it" reminds me of "dancing and dancing and dancing and dancing and francing and francing" so much.
