Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ballerinas and Books

Madeleine has been really into pretend play with Julia's mix-and-match two-piece wooden ballerina people.  Their top halves can be put together with matching colored tutus, or, if you want to get wild and crazy you can change-up the tutu color so that top and bottom are not matching.  Madeleine loves to sit and "talk" these ballerinas to each other once she has arrayed them with their outfits on.  She has even given them all names, which she divulged to me this morning.

According to Madeleine, this one is Brown-Brown:

This one is Brown-Brown, too:

This one is Blue-Blue:

Ah.  I think I get the naming process here.  I then pointed to another ballerina, confident that I had secretly guessed her name correctly:

ME: And Madeleine, what's HER name?
MADELEINE: Uh...HER name is STINKY!  Because...she has STINKY GREEN EYES.

Stinky was DEFINITELY not the name I had guessed.  FAIL.

Julia has also been bursting with creativity, writing not one but TWO new books last night.  One was a present for me, to make me feel better after I had to take a rest on the couch, thanks to my usual end-of-the-work-week exhaustion.  This book is lovingly titled "Julia Love Mom," and I'm truly honored to be the subject of her love.  Especially since she could have easily pulled off a sequel to her best-seller "Piano Love" by titling this one "Julia Love Splenda."

Take a peek at this newest love story:

Page 1:
"Julia walked."  I have no idea what those orange blobs and chicken-scratch lines are supposed to be.  I wonder if they might be some sort of cave art, seeing as Julia looks somewhat cave-woman-like in this self-portrait.

Page 2:
"Julia talked."  According to Julia, this is a picture of Julia talking to Madeleine, saying "Let's play princesses!"

Page 3, the sweetest of all:

"But most of all, Julia love mom and Dad and Madeleine."
Aww.  I can't help but be heart-warmed by this!

Julia's other new book is a Halloween book, which is just perfect for the current season.  Take a look at "Adriana, the Wich of Wichland":

Page 1:
"I'm Adriana.  I'm a Wich."

Page 2:
"Adriana liked spooky tit."  (N.B. I have it on the record from the author that this is a typo, and should actually say "Adriana liked spooky things.")

Page 3:
"Adriana's Spooky 123456 booed Haunted House from away."

Never before has a book ended as clearly and concisely as this one.

And now, to keep the Halloween spirit going, we are off to enjoy the town-sponsored "Spooky Walk!"  I sure hope we get to 123456 boo a haunted house from away!

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