Friday, September 9, 2011

A Study in Contrasts

Julia's big accomplishment during our trip to the Y this morning: earning two stickers as a reward for cleaning up all the toys in the play room, per the baby-sitter's request.

Madeleine's big accomplishment during our trip to the Y this morning: playing in a pile of dog poop while we waited for the bus home. Not only was it all over her hands, but she managed to smear it in various places all over her clothes as well. With two minutes until the bus was scheduled to arrive, we sprinted over to the building next to the bus stop and washed her hands, only to have her repeatedly point (with finger making contact) to the poop stains on her clothes, exclaiming, "Look it's a DOG POOP!"

I must admit, both behaviors are completely consistent with their personalities.


  1. Oh no!!! I hope that Madeleine isn't thinking of becoming one of those EXTREME artists, making paintings, sculptures and other art forms out of pooch poopies! Yuck. Yiayia doesn't like that idea! Love, Yiayia

  2. Ohh noo! Soo gross! I bet you had to act fast and were none too happy about it at the time. In retrospect it is very funny. 2 of my 3 have played with their own poop and smeared it all over the crib. Yuck. I am waiting for the other shoe to drop on that one. Although, Q does like to wash his hands a lot.. so maybe I will get lucky.
