Thursday, September 15, 2011

The My Little Pony show

Julia put on the "My Little Pony" show today and requested that I sit in the audience. She also gave me the following instructions:

"Mom, when the pony show is going on, there can't be any talking from the audience."

I obeyed, although I did answer questions when asked.

If you are interested in seeing any of this riveting show, in which each pony takes a turn chomping on some grass and then laying down to go to bed (I guess I should explain to Julia that horses actually sleep standing up), I got a bit of it on video:

After turning the camera off, the show got so exciting I just had to start recording again to capture Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie's secretive, magical night journey through the sky:

If you're watching the videos and you hear Julia sing the theme song, don't be fooled - it's not the real "My Little Pony" tv show. No matter how authentic it sounds, I assure you, it's just Julia.

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