MADELEINE: (pointing to the child at the far right window) It's GRANDMA!
(pointing to the middle child) That's SNOW WHITE! (pointing to the boy at the far left window) That's BOY!
One of her other preferred potty books is the Sesame Street "Pumpkin Patch Party." In fact, I've read it to her so many times that she can recite it from memory, including the captions under each flap. For instance: "Uh-oh! Here comes Headless Horseman! (lifting the flap) It's Ernie and Burp!"
Unfortunately, my video camera battery was low so I was only able to capture a few minutes of her potty reading adventures today, but here's a quick glimpse at all the fun I get to have as I sit on the bathroom floor while Madeleine entertains herself on the toilet:
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