Monday, August 15, 2011

Raindrop, Come On My Hand

Julia came up with a brand new musical composition today, and I think it's safe to say that it she sang it enough times to ensure it is stuck in all of our heads. We just finished a recording session of this soon-to-be hit, so prepare yourselves to be stunned by "Raindrop, Come On My Hand":

A bit of background information on this this song: While I pushed the stroller home in the rain from the library this morning, the girls seemed to get a little claustrophobic under their protective plastic rain sheath (one of the stroller's bonus features.) Julia felt the need to start making silly noises, which led to Madeleine screaming "NO!" and kicking at the sheath every time Julia made some goofy sound. Julia, incapable of performing an action unless every person in the vicinity voices their consent, was completely bent out of shape about Madeleine's disapproval. Despite comments such as, "Julia, just ignore her. She's not the boss of you," Julia continued to bemoan her situation: "Mooooom!! Madeleine's saying NOOOOO!" Before long, Julia was deliberately sticking her face in Madeleine's personal space to try and elicit a "NOOOOO!", so both girls were chastised, leading to Julia's typical hyperbolic reaction to being reprimanded. "I just get in trouble EVERY DAY! I'm in TROUBLE! I am NOT a nice girl!" She then, in order to punish herself for being such a not-nice girl, began sticking her hand out of the stroller to get it wet. And before long, was singing "Raindrop come on my hand, raindrop come on my hand, raindrop come on my hand, because Madeleine says no," on repeat for the rest of the walk home.

It just goes to show: sometimes the greatest works of art are born out of moments of true angst.


  1. Love the Raindrop song. Noooooooo! Love you, Yiayia

  2. I noticed that too Ethan. You guys sure made some mutant kids. What 4 year old composes a song in five?!?!@?!?!?
