Saturday, September 26, 2020


MADELEINE: People don't even need to SWEAR anymore.  They can just be like, "What the 2020?!"

I couldn't agree more on how nefarious the term 2020 feels.

And speaking of swearing, Ethan and I have been sharing a beloved tv show with the girls, "Schitt's Creek." The kids are loving it so far, but have trouble referring to the show because for some reason they can't allow themselves to say the title, even though it's a person's name, not the word "shit."

Madeleine has, surprisingly, FINALLY come around to calling the show by its title instead of "Mreer Creek."  Julia, however, can only refer to it as "Sk-a-hitt's Creek" so as to avoid even SOUNDING like she's saying "shit."  Interesting that both girls can refer to a beaver dam without finding creative ways to avoid saying a word that sounds like "damn." 

Maybe we can clear things up by deciding that "shit" ONLY means "Schitt" and from now on when someone really means "shit" they'll just say 2020.

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