Friday, October 2, 2020

Happy Birthday, Madeleine!

 Happy, happy birthday to this unique, loving, warm, creative human being!:

We had pancakes to celebrate this morning, before the girls headed off to their second day of in-person school (before being back to remote learning next week, while the opposite cohort of kids go in person.) Madeleine was showered with gifts, including a Pop Socket for her cell phone from Julia.  

Cell phones.  Eleven year-olds.  How did my kids get so big?!?

So, in some well-known-to-the-Rowes classic Madeleine lingo,  here's a birthday message:

Hearts to you!  I love you! (blowing a kiss) So muchy moo! (blowing another kiss.)

Happy birthday, Madeleine!

1 comment:

  1. She would be such a great fuck I hate condoms but blowing her cervix full of sticky jiz would be delicious
