Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Rollercoaster

There's no school today, due to Yom Kippur, so Madeleine seized her moment to make her roller coaster.  Here it is:

Now, doesn't that just look like the safest ride ever made?  I definitely would not have any qualms about riding in it.

And because Madeleine is Madeleine, she didn't stop at just a roller coaster.

There is a fortune teller stand:

The fortunes are inside the eggs.  My fortune was: "You will get $1000 dollars." Madeleine's was "You will get a dog." The fortune teller is clearly a liar.

There is an arcade game:

(That looks like Julia's handwriting.  Did Madeleine manage to rope her sister in to this whole amusement park thing?)

And then there is this attraction:

I mean, it's obvious what this is, but just in case you're too thick-headed to understand, here's an explanation for dummies.

MADELEINE: So those are for the treasure chest.  There's pencils, and if you find the treasure chest, you bang your pencil on it.

I'm sure you already knew that, though.  Seriously, who wouldn't see a shark and pencils without automatically thinking "Treasure Hunt?"

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