Friday, September 14, 2018

Birthday Excitement

Madeleine has been anxiously counting down the days until her birthday.  Earlier this week, she shared her optimism with me about the wait for the big day.

MADELEINE: Mommy?  I looked at my calendar, and I saw it was September 12, and I was like, "oh, good!" because at first I thought it was the 11th, and for some reason, the 11th always feels like the BEGINNING of the month, but then when it gets to be the 12th, I feel like the month is almost OVER.

Me, I kind of think of the month as being in its latter half after the 15th of each month, but what do I know besides basic math?

Alternatively, at other points in the week, Madeleine lamented the wait until her birthday.

MADELEINE: Mommy?  You wanna know what the HARDEST day is?
ME: Uh...what?
MADELEINE: October first.
ME: Because you have to wait for the day to end so it can be your birthday?
MADELEINE: Yeah.  It's kind of like Christmas Eve...or the day before Thanksgiving.

See, I found myself to have the opposite reaction this past birthday of mine.  I wanted the day before my birthday to last forever so I could stay in my 30s...ah, to be 8 again...

At any rate, Madeleine is taking this upcoming birthday seriously.  She planned out her entire appearance for the day of her birthday, making this helpful guide at school and delivering it to me when she got home yesterday:

She planned this to a T.  Not only will her hair be "straitened," but she must also have a middle part and a headband.  She intends to wear her witch hat earrings, seen to the upper left of her perfectly planned face.  And we can't forget the Lip Smacker chapstick/lip balm she'll put on her lips.  And then there's the outfit.

MADELEINE: So, for my outfit, I was thinking of wearing this red and white plaid DRESS, like, I don't HAVE it, but I was thinking of this dress I saw once when I was using my computer, and I don't know where it's from, but I thought that you could get it for me as a birthday present?  Because, like, that dress and a book are the only things I want for my birthday present.

Ah, so I was supposed to make a dress Madeleine glimpsed once materialize, despite the fact that she couldn't remember anything about where it was from.

MADELEINE: Well, maybe you could like, just look up "red and white plaid dress" and see if you can find any?

Instead, I went to and looked at girls' dresses.  I found something that fit the bill:

ME: Madeleine, how about this?
MADELEINE: Uh...okay.  Well, it's not EXACTLY like the style of the dress in my drawing,'s still good!

I guess I was somehow supposed to find the exact cut and style of Madeleine's own hand-drawn design.  Lucky for me, she agreed to the above dress despite it not being a carbon copy of what she'd sketched out.

Perhaps Madeleine should consider a future career in fashion design so that she never has to settle for anything less than what she's imagined in her artistic brain!

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