Thursday, March 8, 2018


Tonight at bedtime, Madeleine and I mused over the various OCD-esque tics she has gone through in past years.  We reminisced about her period of saying "Air hug!  Wave to you! (blowing a kiss) Love you!  You're the best!" anytime one of us so much as left the room (she is not really quite past this one, but it has gone from a compulsion to a sometimes thing.)  We talked about her somewhat alarming period of needing to shrug her shoulders and make throat noises repeatedly.  She reminded me of her urgent need to kiss me three - and no more and no less than three - times after I ever gave her a kiss.

MADELEINE: Remember THREE kisses?  That was my FIRST tic!
ME: Oh, my gosh, yes, I remember that one.
MADELEINE: Before that, I had a SECRET tic.
ME: What was it?
MADELEINE: It was TWO kisses.  And it had to be two kisses, and when I did two kisses, I would imagine a picture of two circles, and they looked like CELLS, like red blood cells, and they were GROSS, and they would turn DARK and GRAY if it was three kisses.

I'm so glad that I managed to pass on all my top notch genetic quirks to my children.  Anxiety and insomnia to Julia, OCD to Madeleine.  Sorry, kids.  Maybe you got some winner genes from Daddy, though???

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