Monday, July 10, 2017

Another Madeleine Book In the Works

Madeleine's newest book:

Goddess Friends
Series Septial
By Madeleine Rowe

I was curious why Madeleine decided to write about an invertebrate, so I sat down for a Q&A with the author.

ME: How is she an invertebrate?
MADELEINE: Um...her MOM is a goddess, and so...she was born with no spine.
ME: So how does she move?
MADELEINE: She can still move!
ME: How?  Does she slither like a snake?
MADELEINE: No!  She can walk normally!
ME: With no spine?
ME: So what's the point of her being an invertebrate?
MADELEINE: She's really good at gymnastics and a lot of people just stare at her and she's like, "What?"
ME: What's her dad?
MADELEINE: Um, Hanna's a demi-god, because her dad is mortal.
ME: Is her mom a snake?
MADELEINE: No!  Her mom is a goddess!  I already told you.
ME: I didn't know if she was a snake goddess.
ME: What made you want to write about an invertebrate?
MADELEINE: Well, I think I finished reading my "Goddess Girls" books, so I wanted to write a book about my OWN PERSONAL SERIES goddess friends.

Here's what I gather from that interview.

A) It isn't really actually all that significant that Hanna is an invertebrate, since she can still walk like a normal person.
B) In fact, the only significance of her invertebrate-ness is that she's a really good gymnast.  Which makes me wonder why Madeleine didn't just make her "Hanna the Gymnast Goddess"
C) Somehow, in Madeleine's brain, the logical answer as to how someone can be an invertebrate is because she is the daughter of a goddess.  Goddess parenting = invertebrate child.
D) If she was really a true invertebrate, the story of Hanna the gymnast would be a lot more interesting, because her tumbling/floor routine would consist of a bunch of coiling, sliding and slithering around the mat.  I wonder how the judges would score that.

At any rate, the book is in its early stages, so perhaps the answers to some of my confusion will come as the story fleshes out more.  I can't wait to find out more about this invertebrate demi-god with her crazy gymnastics skills!

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