Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Tire Swing

Discussion on the drive home from church, about Julia's favorite playground in town.

JULIA: You know what stinks?  They took the tire swing down at the playground!
ME: They did?
JULIA: Yeah!  I was thinking, maybe it broke, or maybe too many kids were fighting over it so they decided to take it away.
MADELEINE: Or maybe somebody THREW UP on it.

Leave it to Madeleine to come up with the grossest solution.

JULIA: No, because if someone threw up, wouldn't they just CLEAN it?
ME: Maybe it was making too many kids nauseous so they had to take it away.

Apparently Madeleine's throw up suggestion wasn't off-putting enough, because she then decided to take this to an even darker place.

MADELEINE: Maybe an animal touched the tire swing and then the animal, like, DIED and they thought the animal was POISONED so they took it down.
JULIA: Uh, Madeleine.  I don't think THAT'S what happened.

I honestly don't understand how Madeleine's brain works.  The most logical explanation in her mind is that the tire swing has been tainted by the touch of a poisoned animal?!?  Yeah.  Makes perfect sense.

I guess that's about what I should expect from a kid who manages to make cupcake eating into an exercise in face-painting:

ROCKING the fudgey mustache and goatee look!  Fashion forward!

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey, that is some chocolate cupcake eating loving face! XO
