Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Cecilia the Sea Lion Fairy, Chapter 1

Madeleine's new book, "Cecilia the Sea Lion Fairy," is off to a great start!  If you thought the fairy's flexible stance on the cover was an amazing feat, just wait until you see some of the bodily positions the characters are drawn in on the first few pages!:

Chapter 1.  20 Cupcack's

"Kirsty Tate was staying at Rachel Wallcker Walker's house for summer vacaitin.  They were at the beach.  'Kirsty!  Kirsty!' shoutid Rachel faraway from Kirsty.  'Do you want to help me culect seashell's?'  'O.K. shure.' Kirsty said."

Now, I'm not sure if Madeleine took up too much room with her text to fit both girls upright in the picture, or if that's the position Kirsty stands in when she culects seashell's, but I have to say, Kirsty is giving Cecilia a run for her money in the contortionist department with this stance.

"Hey Kirsty!' Rachel said.  'Do you think wel wel find another another fairy hidin in one of they's shell's?'  'I dont think so.' Kirsty rep replide.  'Hardly any shell's have opind."

Okay.  Let's just talk about Kirsty's arms for a second.  HOW THE HECK DOES SHE DO THAT??  Is she Gumby??  Can she stretch her arms out as far as she likes and then spring them back to normal length?  Next to Kirsty, Rachel looks like she has dwarf arms.

"Next top the moovy's' Kirsty anounst."

MADELEINE: Julia?  I'm not good at drawing cars.  I basically just draw, like, a MOUND.

That is definitely an interesting looking car.  I've gotta say, with a car shaped like that, I can't WAIT to see what sorts of positions the girls have bent themselves into in order to fit inside!

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