Friday, February 5, 2016

State Fair

We are currently in the midst of a winter storm in our neck of the woods, but our town happened to be one of the only in the area that did not call a Snow Day.  Julia couldn't be happier, because today was the long-awaited State Fair.  Time to tell the school community about how it all goes DOWN in Arkansas!

Before parents got to view the various dioramas, we were treated to a performance of songs and facts about the 50 states, including the catchy "Fifty Nifty United States," sung by the entire third grade:

Julia was able to work through her nerves in delivering her interesting fact about Arkansas, though you can kind of tell that she couldn't get away from that microphone fast enough:
After the performance, parents were invited into the cafeteria to peruse the dioramas.  Kids and projects were grouped by region of the U.S., and in addition to the individual dioramas, there were collaborative posters about each region.  Julia added her own special touch to the Southeast Region:

And here she is posing proudly by her diorama:

It became very clear to me, during the perusal of the dioramas, that many of the kids had likely had parental help on their projects.  Julia's hanging pieces of poop  stalactites were very clearly the work of a child artist.  And while her diorama may not have been the most artistically impressive of the bunch, I am very proud to know that she put in lots of hard work all on her own!  Hooray for the Fifty Nifty United States!

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