Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Madeleine's Homework

Well, yesterday I posted on facebook about needing to supervise Madeleine while she does her homework.  Because she has become so skilled at reading and writing, she doesn't need me to read the homework instructions aloud to her, and she has taken to completing the assignments when I'm not even in the room with her.  Hence, my discovery yesterday that she had responded to the question: "Write a sentence about something you did over school vacation" with "I did sumthing with my fingrrs."

ME: Madeleine?  Uh, I think you need to re-do your first homework question, because I think it needs to be an actual activity you did over vacation, not just that you did something with your fingers.
MADELEINE: UGH!  But MAMA!  I don't even KNOW what else to write!
ME: Well, why don't you write about our play-date at the Listewniks house?
MADELEINE: I already DID!  That's when I was doing something with my fingers!
ME: Um.  What was it you were doing with your fingers?
MADELEINE: I don't remember.
ME: You don't even remember?
ME: Was it part of a game with the other kids?
MADELEINE: No.  I was, like, just...PUTTING my fingers together and playing something by myself.

Today, while I was at work, Madeleine took it upon herself to work on her "All About Me" poster for school, without even the help of her baby-sitter.  I have to say, I learned some interesting things about Madeleine upon seeing her completed work.  For instance, I had no idea that this is what she wants to be when she grows up:

When I grow up, I want to be: a bascitball teacher.

I never would have expected that Madeleine, having not even ever played bascitball, would have aspirations to be a bascitball teacher when she grows up.  Although, I guess, the last time I checked, she wanted to be a barber, and she doesn't have any experience in that area either.

Then there is the question of one wish.  What sorts of dream does Madeleine have for the world?  If she could be granted just one wish, what would it be?
If I had one wish, I would wish for mommy to stay alive.

Okay.  So.  I am incredibly touched that she would use her one and only wish on me, simply because she loves me so much that she wants me around always.  However, this phrasing kind of makes it sound like I'm on the brink of death as we speak.  Before I get some concerned phone calls from the school administration, I think I'd better have her add the word "forever" to the end of her sentence.  And, yeah.  If I had been with her while working on this, I could have possibly persuaded her to wish for a cure for all sickness, or an end to poverty, or something a little less creepy sounding.

Although...creepy-sounding kind of fits.  It is an "All About Madeleine" poster, after all!

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