Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Madeleine's Pretend Play

Madeleine has been FULL of pretend play games today.  The moment we got home from dropping Julia at school, Madeleine proceeded to pull off her shoes, pants, and fleece jacket.  She then began re-dressing herself in a different jacket, gloves, and boots, though she didn't want the pants back on, and instead opted for spandex shorts.

ME: Okay, Madeleine, let's take off your gloves and stuff because we need to put on your bathing suit for swim lessons!
MADELEINE: Uh, not yet, Mama, because I'm playing "Cold."

So the game of "Cold" continued, with Madeleine walking around the house in her gloves, coat and boots:

It was an action packed game, let me tell you.  And so incredibly accurate: I know that when it's cold outside, I *always* make sure to pair my boots, gloves and jacket with spandex shorts.  Nothing keeps me warmer!

As fun as it was, ultimately the game of "Cold" had to end so that we could go to swim lessons at the Y.  Afterwards, Madeleine experienced "Cold" for real, as she shivered away changing out of her bathing suit and getting into the shower.  Once she was clean and dry, however, she was feeling much more comfortable. 

Now, back at home, Madeleine has launched into another pretend play game: "Band."  Her first instrument was the pennywhistle, which she decided to demonstrate for me as I attempted to rest on the couch.

MADELEINE: Okay, Mama, this is a FLUTE.  And here's how you play it: (blowing into it but unable to make a sound.)

Not to worry, however.  Madeleine smoothly covered her mistake.

MADELEINE: See?  That's how it goes.  But THIS is how you play it the FRENCH way.  (Blowing again, and this time letting forth the pennywhistle's delightfully shrill sound.  Toooooot!  Tooooooot!  Tooooooot!)

I think I liked the non-French way better. 

Before I knew it, Madeleine was intent on recruiting me for her band, and was attempting to shove the pennywhistle into my mouth.

MADELEINE: Here, Mama.  It's your turn.
ME: Oh, I think you should keep playing it.
MADELEINE: No, Mama, it's YOUR turn.  Here you go. it FRENCHLY.
ME: Well, honey, I don't really want to blow on it, because I don't wanna share germs.  You've had a cold and I don't want to put your germs in my mouth.
MADELEINE: Well, pleeeease, Mama, can we share germs?

Luckily, I was able to strike a non-germy happy medium and take out my REAL flute.  Madeleine got creative in constructing a drum set, and before long, she and I were rockin' out together making some pretty jivin' music.

Afterwards, Madeleine continued on playing her drums all by herself:

I know you're all itching to hear the rock star drummer in action, so I did you all a favor and took a video of Madeleine performing:

I'm pretty sure Madeleine is looking for members to join the band, so feel free to contact her if you'd like to set up an audition!

Now, as if the above pretend-play games don't sound exciting enough, I also got to participate in the world's most riveting new game, made up by Madeleine, called, apparently, "Uh, I forgot, so...its...its...REAL name'Let Me Catch You, Baby Froggy'!"

Here's how the game worked.  It was all extremely logical.  Madeleine was the froggy.

MADELEINE: Okay, Mama, so I'm the Froggy, and after I say the spell, you have to CHASE me and try to CATCH me.  So...(putting her hands on my tummy and beginning to chant) Froggy, froggy...*

*That's about all I can transcribe of the chant, because the rest of it was in some sort of gibberish made-up-on-the-spot language.

After the chant ended, I was a little slow on the uptake as to what to do next.

MADELEINE: Okay, Mama, I said it!
ME: Okay.  (standing still)
MADELEINE: Okay, Mama!'re the DONUT.
ME: Oh, okay.
MADELEINE: So...THAT means you have to try and CHASE me!  (running off)
ME: ("chasing" after her, aka plodding along behind and pretending I was really trying to catch her)
MADELEINE: (stopping at her drum set) So, Mama.  When you reach the DRUM, you're SAFE.
ME: Okay.
MADELEINE: Okay, Mama!  Now it's YOUR turn!

Fun.  Times.  Don't you all wish you were here to play all these fun games with us??


  1. Oh I just wrote you an email cause I saw the video on google plus and checked to see if there was a post but didn't see one and now there is!

    I stand by my comment that maybe Madeleine will take after me and do drumline (but hopefully not quit after a year, haha).

    Also I wonder what the difference between FRENCHLY and CLASSFUL are in the music world...

  2. I think she looks WEIRD in those shorts.
