Thursday, July 11, 2013

Beatles Lovin'

The Beatles love continues in the Rowe household, with both girls singing various tunes throughout the day and requesting Beatles songs for their bedtime lullaby.  In fact, Julia and I sang "I'm Looking Through You," together, with harmony, on our walk to camp yesterday, which prompted Madeleine to ask me to sing "I've Just Seen a Face" with her on the walk home.  Determined to make harmony by singing in a round, Madeleine deliberately sang a different section of the song along with the part I was singing.  Let me tell you.  It.  Was.  Beautiful.

Eager to understand everything behind the scenes in every song, both girls are continuously asking who the singer of each tune is, what each song is about, and what specific words in the lyrics mean.

MADELEINE: Mama?  Is this John Lemon or Paul McCartney singing?

JULIA: Mama?  How can it be "She said I know what it's like to be dead" because HOW would you KNOW what it's like being dead when you're still ALIVE??

Today, as we listened to "For No One" on our car ride to the Y, the girls both got incredibly worked up with excitement, because this particular song is one that Daddy has been singing them for their lullaby for quite some time.

JULIA: Hey, Mama!  I know this one!  I love this one!
MADELEINE: Mama, hey, I RECOGNIZE this!  It's the BEATLES!
JULIA: (at the little horn interlude) Mama, this part reminds me of "The Muppets Christmas Carol," because, it's like, all JOLLY sounding.
MADELEINE: Well Julia.  It's NOT.  Because I know what this song is and it's the BEATLES.

Meanwhile, we can't quite seem to come to an agreement on the correct pronunciation of "Yellow Submarine."  Julia frequently loudly bellows the song around the house:

JULIA: (singing) We all live in a yellow sudmarine, a yellow sudmarine, a yellow sudmarine...

while Madeleine feels the need to correct my own pronunciation when I sing it to her at bedtime:

ME: (singing) We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine...
MADELEINE: No!  Mama!  It's yellow SUBBARINE!
ME: It's actually SUBMARINE, honey.
MADELEINE: No!  Mama!!  Just sing it RIGHT!
ME: I am singing it right.  It's yellow submarine.
MADELEINE: No!  It's not!  It's SUBBARINE.

I wouldn't do it.  Even to appease her.  I refused to sing "Yellow Subbarine."  Sorry, Madeleine.

Meanwhile, Madeleine is currently making music of her own over at the piano; this is her self-described "gymnastics music":

Note the gymnastics outfit in the above picture.  I would NOT let her put that on without using the potty first.  She has, on past occasions, both peed and pooped in that leotard, and I'm getting kind of sick of washing it.  Plus, I already had to wash her first outfit of the day.  Here's why.

MADELEINE: (on our walk home from dropping Julia at camp)  Mama?  I think I need to do MORE poopies on the potty.
ME: Okay, well as soon as we get home you can go on the potty.

A few moments later, once we were in the house...

ME: Okay, Madeleine, take off your shoes and I'll put you on the potty.
MADELEINE: Uh, Mama, it's YOUR turn on the potty.
ME: I thought you had to poop.
MADELEINE: Uh, no, I don't have to.
ME: But you said on our walk that you need to do more poopies.
MADELEINE: Uh...CHRISTINA said that.  *I* didn't say that.

Perhaps you're wondering who Christina is.  I was too.

About a half hour later, Madeleine nonchalantly walked up to me and said, "Uh, Mama?  I think I POOPED.  So, you better change my underwear."

Oh, boy.  How did she know that changing poopy underwear was EXACTLY what I felt like doing?  What a sweet, generous kid.  Capable of pooping on the potty ALL BY HERSELF, she still made sure to include me in the process, because even though she's almost four, she wanted to make sure I wasn't yearning for the days of baby butt wiping.

Ahhh.  Well, at least it wasn't in her bathing suit this time.

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