Friday, April 23, 2010

Vocal warm-ups, among other things

It has been an exhausting week for a variety of reasons, although I have to say that the girls were really sweet and surprisingly low-maintenance today. We took a fun trip out this afternoon to Open Gym time at Creative Movement, and from there went to the children's section of the public library, where Julia saw a friend from preschool. The two girls put on a puppet show together while Madeleine played with the variety of manipulative toys and "listened" to some books that I read to her. It was one of the first days in awhile that both kids have been in good moods - no pouting or melt-downs from Julia (in fact, she was on GREAT behavior at both open gym and the library - who is this kid??) and Madeleine has been so much less cranky and fussy since I started supplementing her nursings with some extra breastmilk or formula. Poor kid has been hungry lately - the doctor thinks that because she is so active, she's burning through more calories than she's taking in, and needs extra milk. So all in all a nice day, though I spent most of it feeling like I was dragging my leaden, zombie-like body through just trying to make it to the weekend! This afternoon, while Madeleine was napping, I told Julia that I needed to practice some singing but that I was too tired to do it. She then informed me that she wasn't too tired to do it, and proceeded to begin imitating my vocal warm-ups. I pulled out the camera to get a little bit of it on video:

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