Thursday, April 22, 2010

Julia says...

Julia was full of all sorts of goofball sayings this afternoon - I actually had to stop what I was doing and go write out some of the things coming out of her mouth so I wouldn't forget. Here, for your reading pleasure, were my three favorite conversations/quotations:

"Hey Mama, my cut is all better! But Mom, I'm a vampire and I'm gonna DRINK MY OWN BLOOD! I'm Vampire Snow White. I'm a nice vampire. Mom, we'll have to tell Yia-yia that I'm Vampire Snow White. Because I think Yia-yia will think I mean that I want to wear my Snow White dress, so we'll have to tell her that I'm just pretending I'm a Vampire Snow White."

"Madeleine, I'm gonna eat your bum! I'm gonna eat your bum! (Chomping sound.) Mom, I ate Madeleine's bum, so now she can't poop anymore. She's gonna poop in her bagina."

ME: Julia, where are the wipes?
JULIA: Ah dahnnah.
ME: You don't know?
JULIA: Whoops Mama, that was the French way.
ME: What was the French way?
JULIA: I said Ah dahnnah, instead of I don't know.


  1. It's difficult to imagine a less-compatible combination than "vampire" and "Snow White".

  2. Ah dahnnah, but bagina pooping doesn't sound fun.

  3. I'm glad Julia's got French down already!

  4. Yiayia says in England, looking through a pair of rigatoni binoculars while watching Vampire Snow White fail on my dvd player, I dahnnah where that child gets her love of language from!

  5. I'm afraid the vampire comment reminds me of a young Ethan...
