Thursday, December 26, 2019

Pick Your Poison

Last night, we were playing a new game Julia got for Christmas, "Pick Your Poison."  In this game, players have to choose between two unappealing options, and those who picked the majority option get points.  For each round, a judge chooses the set of options and can answer clarifying questions about either option. 

When Madeleine was judge, one of the "poisons" was "Always answer honestly whenever someone asks how you're doing."

JULIA: So, do you only have to be honest if someone ASKS you?
MADELEINE: Like, you always have to answer honestly, so if you're at the doctor, and you're feeling really SHIT - (look of astonishment coming over her face) SICK.  You're feeling really SICK.  I did NOT mean to say that.

Madeleine, who makes a "mreeer!" sound of disapproval anytime someone on tv, in real life, or in a song utters a bad word, just accidentally swore.  Man, was she shell shocked.  

MADELEINE: Well, at least I didn't FINISH it!  I didn't say "ty!" at the end!
ME: Yeah, well in England and Australia they sometimes say "I feel a bit shit" though.
MADELEINE: (eyes widening, horrified with herself)

I mean, I guess the poison's powers worked and Madeleine inadvertently gave her honest answer about how she was feeling.

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