Friday, July 19, 2019

Road Trip

We Rowes are on are way to Vermont to visit the rest of the Rowe clan.  Despite us all eating a bagel breakfast in the car around 9:15, the girls were begging for lunch at 10:30 when we stopped at a rest area.

Julia chose a piece of spanakopita and sliced apples.  Madeleine asked for a hot pretzel or popcorn, both of which I refused her.  I wound up buying her a chocolate protein bar and a container with granola trail mix, grapes, and some cubes of ham and cheese.

When the girls delved into their lunches about an hour later, Julia ate all of her food, proclaiming its deliciousness multiple times.  Madeleine ate her chocolate Kind bar, the M 'n Ms from her trail mix, and two cubes of ham.  She felt compelled to apologize to her ham and kiss each cube before eating it. She shunned her grapes because there were miniscule white splotches on some of them.

So, basically, Julia had a balanced lunch with spinach, feta cheese, and apples, while Madeleine essentially had chocolate with a splash of pork.  Sounds about right.

You gotta do the best you can when on the road!

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