Friday, July 12, 2019

A Week at Hogwarts

Madeleine really enjoyed the Summer Explorations class she took this week, called "A Week at Hogwarts."  The only down side was that she got sorted into House Slytherin, based on a random draw from a hat, but she still got to wear her Gryffindor robes for dress-up day!:

(In fact, she wore the Gryffindor robe again today, even when it was NOT dress-up day!)

Even when Madeleine wasn't at her class, she was playing "Harry Potter" in her mind.  I walked into the bathroom this morning to find out a whole conversation was going on in her head.

MADELEINE: I'm talking to an IMAGINARY Draco Malfoy, and he thinks he's so smart, so I'm like, "Oh yeah?  What's ten times eight?" and he's a Pure Blood, so he's like, "I don't know" and I'm like, "What's nine times nine?" And he doesn't know.

So Pure Bloods are dopes?  Is it because there's too much in-breeding?

If Madeleine had her choice, instead of being in Slytherin at class, she would choose Hufflepuff.

MADELEINE: Hufflepuff is the best.  Their message is about spreading kindness and liking EVERYONE.  Hufflepuffs are all HAPPY and CHEERY.

Well, she may have been sorted into Slytherin, but I think Madeleine is definitely a Hufflepuff at heart.

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