Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Multiple Miscommunications

Miscommunications abounded today between Madeleine and I.

As Madeleine lounged about in her pajamas well after lunch time, I attempted to encourage her to change into clothes.

ME: Madeleine, do you want to get dressed?
Within minutes, Madeleine had an announcement to make.
MADELEINE: Mommy!  I just realized something! I looked down, and I was like, "What?  I'm still in my pajamas?!"
ME: Honey.  Do you remember I just asked you if you wanted to get dressed and you said, "not yet?"
MADELEINE: No.  I don't remember that.
ME: You don't?
MADELEINE: I don't remember.
ME: It just happened.
MADELEINE: It did?  Oh.  I don't remember.  Oh, wait.  Maybe I thought you were talking to Julia.

She thought I was talking to Julia, and yet she answered??  No, I think it's more like she knew I was talking to her and didn't bother to listen to what I actually said; she heard a question and knew whatever it was, she didn't want to get up and do it, so she went on auto pilot with her "Not yet."  Her second-most uttered phrase, after "Just a sec!"

Then, later in the day, while Madeleine was showering at the Y after this swim practice, we had this conversation:

MADELEINE: Mommy?  Can I tell you something?
ME: (approaching her shower stall) What?


MADELEINE: If I were to make up a tv show, I would call it...Llama and...what should the name of the cow be?


ME: Uh...Buttercup?  
ME: Bessie?
MADELEINE: (looking at me like I'm daft) No.
ME: Um...Daisy?
MADELEINE: (wrinkling her nose) Noooo...


MADELEINE: If I were to make up a tv show, I could call it...Drama in...what should the name of the town be?

No wonder she thought my suggestions were nuts.

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