Friday, April 20, 2018

Trip to the Office

Today was "Take Your Child To Work" Day at Ethan's office, so the girls got to ride the train in with Daddy in the morning!  Julia wore her usual outfit: a swimming tee-shirt and athletic leggings.  Madeleine picked out her clothes with great care so that she would look "professional." Behold her looking chic in her Sequin Flip tee-shirt over a black long-sleeve top, with her outer space skirt over black leggings.

The kids had a fun time, although Madeleine was not a fan of the lunch option.  Apparently the pizza was "too saucy."  (Julia, of course, had no problem with it.)  The girls got to meet lots of other kids, and while Julia can recall the names and ages of the various children at the office, Madeleine remains oblivious.

MADELEINE: I made a friend!  She's 8 like me!
ME: What was her name?
MADELEINE: Ummm...I don't know.
ME: You can't remember?
MADELEINE: (brightly) Well, she's my friend, even though I can't remember her name!

That's the way the whole world should be, Madeleine.

I greeted the girls warmly upon their return, and learned just how much of a second fiddle I am in Madeleine's eyes.

ME: I missed you!
ME: But not me?
MADELEINE: (sheepishly) Sorrrryyy.  I was missing Clara because I was petting another doggie there!

Yeah, I know, it's to be expected.  Who is any child expected to miss more: their own mom, or their aunt's dog?  Duh!

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