Thursday, April 19, 2018

Rainy Day "Fun"

It's a cold and sleety school vacation day.  The kids and I are stuck in the house.

Madeleine is writing a book called "The Ghost of Music Mansion."

Julia is sitting at the table, literally reading the phone book.  Like, cover to cover.  And then exclaiming in delight when she finds the names of people we know.

JULIA: (gasping) WE'RE in here!  I found US!
ME: Well, we do live in this town, honey.

I can understand her wonderment.  Imagine that, finding the names of people we know in our town while looking through a town-wide phone book.  What felicity!

I guess since she's already obsessively and repeatedly read through the school directory and the heat sheets from the YMCA Districts and New Englands meets, the phone book is the next logical step, right?

What's next, do you think?  The dictionary?

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