Thursday, January 25, 2018

Shine a Light Book

Discussion on the way to swim team this evening:

MADELEINE: Mommy?  Life has a lot of EXPLAINING in it.
ME: It does.
MADELEINE: And Mommy?  Can I tell you about something at school about explaining?  Can I *explain* about *explaining?*
ME: Sure.
MADELEINE: So, one day at school, I was reading "Secrets of Winter: Shine a Light Book," and I forgot how to USE it, so my teacher let me use a finger light, and EVERYONE was being like, "Where did you get that?"  "Where did you get that?"  "Where did you get that?"  "Where did you get that?"
ME: And what did you say?
MADELEINE: "My teacher let me use it."  "My teacher let me use it."  "My teacher let me use it." "My teacher let me use it.  My teacher - ARRGH!  I'm FED UP with this!"
ME: You should have just said: "Class announcement!  My teacher let me use this light!"
MADELEINE: No, I would definitely never do a class announement!
ME: Oh, you wouldn't?  But that would at least answer the question to everyone at once.
MADELEINE: And Mommy?  You know sometimes there's something you KNOW you shouldn't say, like "I'm fed up," but, like, you get so frustrated and INFURIATED and TIRED so you just say it?
ME: Yeah, I know what that's like.
MADELEINE: Yeah.  That's why I just finally said "I'm FED UP with this!"

Man, she sure told her classmate a thing or two.  I think it would have been better if she had said "I'm INFURIATED about this!" though.

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