Friday, January 19, 2018

MLK Jr. Project

Madeleine came home from school with her Martin Luther King, Jr. project that she had completed in class.  I am definitely loving every facet of it!

First of all, there is her list:

Write a list of things that would make the world a better place

1) Help my auntie at her lab
2) Go to the beach to pick up litter
3) Try harder to keep my temper down

Move over, Auntie Shannon, and make space at your lab desk for Madeleine!  The newest microbiologist in town is ready to join your cancer treatment research team!  And I suppose picking up litter around town is a little too bland to be world-changing, so Madeleine is headed to the beach to start clearing the sand and water of junk!  Finally, I like that Madeleine appreciates that changing the world can begin on a micro level.  The act of one 8-year-old keeping her own temper down can reverberate throughout the entire world!  (And though I say this tongue-in-cheek, I do in fact believe that each person on earth putting his or her best self forward can make a world of difference!)

Then we have Madeleine's illustration of peace:

It appears to be two hands reaching towards each other, then high fiving, then rotating around in confusing directions.

And Madeleine's illustration of "no peace":

Here we have headless and legless torsos shoving each other, or bro-smacking each other on the chest, not sure which.  Definitely no peace for those without heads or legs.

Last, we have a lovely illustration of Madeleine achieving one of her aforementioned goals towards making the world a better place:

"Picking up litter at the beach."

Awww!  Look!  The turtle is thanking her - and proclaiming that they are saved.  I am all for this idea, Madeleine, not only because it saves the earth, but it opens the door for sea animals to start speaking English!  What could be cooler than that double whammy?

I am proud to see that Madeleine has goals not only for the short term, like controlling her temper, but she has her sights set on a future in saving lives as well!

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