Sunday, November 27, 2016

Wishful Thinking

The Christmas Kazoo continues in the Rowe household.  This morning, Madeleine got mad at Julia for singing along to Madeleine's Kazoo rendition of "We Three Kings." The fight ended with Julia storming into her room and shutting the door, while Madeleine sat at the dining room table forlornly blowing into her kazoo.

MADELEINE: Ugh!  I *can't* play it anymore!!  Julia messed me up and now I can't do it!  She was singing a TOTALLY DIFFERENT PART and now I can't remember how it goes!!

That's really rough.  How can one even get into the Christmas spirit when unable to play carols on the kazoo?!?

Madeleine's true Christmas wishes were dashed a second time today.  As Ethan and I were stringing lights on our outside bushes, Madeleine came out with an urgent question.

MADELEINE; Uh, Daddy?  Where's Mommy?
ME: (from behind a bush) I'm right here.
MADELEINE:. Oh!  Mommy?  How can I make a fairy come to our house?
ME: Uhhh...well...that would be kinda hard to do, because fairies aren't real.
MADELEINE: But I really, really want a fairy to come to our house!  Please?
ETHAN: Madeleine.  Are fairies real?
ETHAN: Then how do you expect to get one to come to our house?
MADELEINE: But I really WANT them to be real!!  So Mommy?  How CAN I get a fairy to come to our house?

This poor kid.  What a rotten day of crushed hopes.  No way to make fairies real to visit our house, no "We Three Kings" on the kazoo...seriously, what is even the point of hope if one cannot have those two hugely important wishes granted!??  Man, so far this Christmas season is a BUST.

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